Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Plank You

You know planks are great for your core, back and legs. But did you know there are a variety of different plank variations you can incorporate into your fitness routine?

Check out these seven plank variations from Fit Sugar.

Your core will say Plank You!


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

How To Do a Crunch Workout

What is a Crunch

A “Crunch” is an exercise that targets your Rectus Abdominus muscles or “abs” known also as your core. By tightening and releasing your abs you build strength which helps with posture, flexibility and balance. It’s vital to use proper form and ensure you are getting the most out of your crunch workout while minimizing your risk of injury.

How to Do a Crunch

To properly perform a Crunch:
  1. Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor.
  2. Put your hands behind your head with the palms facing up.
  3. Look at the ceiling.
  4. Slowly raise your shoulders off the floor by contracting your stomach muscles (don’t pull your neck with your hands).
  5. Keep your eyes focused on the ceiling and your neck straight to avoid unwanted strain.
  6. Lower and repeat.
For more of a challenge and to engage your lower abs lift your feet off the floor and pull your knees in at the same time you “crunch”.
This video demonstration at Outside Health and Fitness gives you a good idea of proper form and more information on the health benefits of performing crunches on a regular basis.